Sir Bob Geldof isn’t the only bloke to ‘not like Mondays’, and as we progress into December and our annual Christmas camping trip gets closer, the anticipation rises as we start hanging out to spend a couple of weeks relaxing, without having to worry about going ‘back to work on Monday’.
This year we were lucky enough to have a full two weeks at Augusta and the weather was glorious. Definitely the best in the last few years, possibly the best we’ve experienced in the 13 years since we’ve been coming down. You know it’s warm and sunny when Jules goes for a swim in the ocean and swim she did! As per most years, we spent our time chillaxing by the van, drinking coffee and reading books in the morning, followed by drinkies and talking shit in the evening, interspersed with kayaking on the Blackwood River or just exploring and enjoying the area. The fishing wasn’t as good this year, however, that didn’t faze us as we typically catch and release anyway, and we always managed to catch a feed when needed. This year it was the larger, 30cm plus, sized Salmon Trout that kept us entertained, and on very light gear these feisty little fish put up a great fight. They also taste good if you bleed them and cook them straight away.
Something new for this year was we actually spent Christmas Day down here. So arriving on Sat 23rd, we got to spend a couple of days acclimatising and relaxing, before sharing Christmas Day with our great friends. Whilst we missed the family, we had already done a pre-Christmas catch-up with them, and Christmas in the Goldy made a nice change.
Christmas Day with our mates!
An unfortunate snake we came across. He was unfortunate as he’d been run over (not by us BTW)
Everyone’s favourite campground hound, Boony!! We made friends with Boony and his owner Rebecca, and had play time with cuddles most days.
The view from the yak near the river mouth looking back towards the ColourPatch Cafe
A friendly Bluetounge lizard that was enjoying Put’s BBQ scraps
Jules and I, joined Put and BJ for a yak around the mouth and deadwater, except this time I only took the camera to take some shots
We came across these canoes in the deadwater and I loved how the two dogs were watching each other from the boats.