Trip 16, part 5 – The crew leave, but the Budgies remain

As per last year, we had managed to secure our site for the full two weeks, so whilst the crew left on the 2nd or 3rd of Jan, we were lucky enough to remain in-situ until the 7th.  The feel of the trip changes after the crew leave, for one it’s quieter, however, we enjoy the few days of family time.

This year we shot out to the Busselton Jetty so Mads (aka SharkBait) and I could do a scuba dive.  Jules and I did some more yakking where she out-fished me, there was lots more relaxing by the van with books and coffee, and we spent a lovely day driving around exploring the area and sampling the wares.

Back home on the 7th with work again on the 8th, but we’ve already re-booked our site for next year and we can’t wait to return.

Devonshire Teas at The Berry Farm, with our birdy mates for company

Some of the flowers in the Berry Farm gardens

Some locals at the Berry Farm

The trees of Boranup Forest

Jules posing out on the coast past Conto’s campground

Canal Rocks

A spider hunting wasp we shared the campsite with.  One day we saw her drag a largish Hunstman spider, paralysed by her sting, to her nest, where she’ll lay her egg in it so her babies can eat the live spider when they hatch…

The jetty at the old Flinders Bay boat ramp.  A couple of long exposure shots taken a night apart.  

A small private jetty just upriver of the Turners Caravan Park

On our last night we had fish and chips and ate them down at the ColourPatch.  The seagulls loved the scraps!

Another beautiful evening on the Blackwood River.  Thanks Augusta, it’s been a blast.  See you next year!

One Reply to “Trip 16, part 5 – The crew leave, but the Budgies remain”

  1. Hi there, I have had a look at your blog as we are looking to buy a Goldstream Crown 4B too. Just wondering if you’ve ever used the dinette bed in your van for extra young adult or do they always use a tent? We have got the extra teen who still comes away with us most,of the time and we were wondering about this extra bed conversion.
    Thanks and Here’s to many more adventures in your camper,

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