Our mate BJ loves Molloy Island Caravan Park. So much so that he’d booked himself a month down here over November and all his mates are popping down at various times to spend some time with him.
So, with a spare weekend on the 12th and 13th Nov, I booked the Monday off on annual leave and Jules and I shot down for a quick trip. Leaving home just after 3 pm, we arrived at Molloy Island around 8 pm after stopping off for some fuel and dinner at the Foodiary. A quick chat with BJ over a cup of tea and it was an early night for us.
Saturday dawned overcast but generally fine, so we grabbed BJ and headed into Augusta to check out the little market he’d heard about. With only half a dozen odd stalls, some of which were filled with second-hand junk, it didn’t take long to finish this, so we took a quick drive out to the Lighthouse, then back to the Ragged Robin in town for hot scones with jam and cream and nice coffee.
On the way back into the park I stopped off a couple of times to do a quick peacock spider hunt. I didn’t find any spiders but I did spy a small frog which Jules later ID’d as a Slender Treefrog which is endemic to the South West.
Sat night was spent in front of the campfire with plenty of wine, some gin and BJ’s Dubliner.
Sunday was very lazy. We spent most of the day hanging around the campsite, reading and chilling, only heading out for a few mins to grab some bags of wood for tonight’s fire. I did another spider hunt, this time spotting a couple of little jumpers, but nothing of the peacock variety.
Although I’m on annual leave on Monday, unfortunately, I have a meeting to attend for a couple of hours in the morning before doing the quick pack-up and heading home to the big smoke.
It was such a lazy weekend that I barely bothered using the camera, but here are a couple of shots I took.